Central Florida Presbytery, PCA
Classifying Exceptions to the Westminster Standards
According to the BCO, you must submit a written statement explaining any "exceptions" (disagreements) you have with the Westminster Standards (Confession, Larger and Shorter Catechisms), along with an explanation for each. If you do not have any exceptions, you must inform the Exam Committee of that fact in writing. For further information, see the relevant sections of the BCO below.
The Presbytery will evaluate each of your exceptions according to the following categories. The final classification rests with the Presbytery and will be recorded in the minutes.
"No differences" - the Candidate is in full agreement with the Standards without exception
"Merely semantic" - the exception involves a word or words that fall within the accepted range of meaning, and are therefore still within the system of doctrine expressed in the Standards
"More than semantic, but not out of accord with the fundamentals with our system of doctrine"
"Out of accord, that is, hostile to the system, or striking at the vitals of religion" - a conviction or belief that does not agree with the system of doctrine expressed throughout the Standards
BCO 21-4, e, f
e. While our Constitution does not require the candidate’s affirmation of every statement and/or proposition of doctrine in our Confession of Faith and Catechisms, it is the right and responsibility of the Presbytery to determine if the candidate is out of accord with any of the fundamentals of these doctrinal standards and, as a consequence, may not be able in good faith sincerely to receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of this Church as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures (cf. BCO 21-5, Q.2; 24-6, Q.2).
f. Therefore, in examining a candidate for ordination, the Presbytery shall inquire not only into the candidate’s knowledge and views in the areas specified above, but also shall require the candidate to state the specific instances in which he may differ with the Confession of Faith and Catechisms in any of their statements and/or propositions. The court may grant an exception to any difference of doctrine only if in the court’s judgment the candidate’s declared difference is not out of accord with any fundamental of our system of doctrine because the difference is neither hostile to the system nor strikes at the vitals of religion.
BCO (Rules of Assembly Operation) 16-3, e.5
Minutes of presbytery relating to examinations must list all specific requirements and trials for licensure and/or ordination which have been accomplished, including that each candidate being examined for ordination was required to “state the specific instances in which he may differ with
the Confession of Faith and Catechisms in any of their statements and/or propositions” (BCO 21-4). This does not mean that a separate vote on each item must be recorded. Presbytery minutes shall record ministers’ and ministerial candidates’ stated differences with our Standards in their own words. Each presbytery shall also record whether:
a) the candidate stated that he had no differences; or
b) the court judged the stated difference(s) to be merely semantic; or
c) the court judged the stated difference(s) to be more than semantic, but “not out of accord with any fundamental of our system of doctrine” (BCO 21-4); or
d) the court judged the stated difference(s) to be “out of accord,” that is, “hostile to the system” or “strik[ing] at the vitals of religion” (BCO 21-4).