Central Florida Presbytery, PCA

Central Florida Presbytery
Examining Committee
Welcome to the Central Florida Presbytery Examining Committee. The information on this site is for new licensure or ordination candidates. If you are already licensed or ordained in another PCA Presbytery, and you seek to transfer your credentials into the Central Florida Presbytery, please contact the Chairman of the Minister and His Work Committee (see Officers and Committees). If you are already licensed or ordained in another denomination, please contact the Exam Committee Chairman before proceeding.
Examination Process for Licensure & Ordination
The below process is for new licensure or ordination candidates. If you are already licensed or ordained in another PCA Presbytery, and you seek to transfer your credentials into the Central Florida Presbytery, please contact the Chairman of the Minister and His Work Committee (see Officers and Committees). If you are already licensed or ordained in another denomination, please contact the Exam Committee Chairman before proceeding (see Officers and Committees).
Read the Exam Committee Vision and consult the Governing Documents page to understand the official requirements for Licensure and Ordination that the below process is based on.
As you will soon find out, the process for pursuing licensure or ordination is complex, requires various pieces of paperwork, and involves taking various types of online and oral exams. Therefore, we strongly urge you to read this entire page very carefully and get started with this process as soon as you possibly can. (For convenience, any key pages and documents that are referred to in the below procedures are listed under the tab Resources).
You might want to print out this document to help keep track your progress. If you have any questions, or if you find any typos, or have any feedback on how to make this process better, please contact the Exam Committee Chairman - he will be your point person from beginning to end (see Officers and Committees).
Yes, as long as your church or ministry approves, you may pursue licensure first and then ordination later. The benefit is that it splits up the study/testing load into two parts. The drawback is that it delays your actual ordination to a later date and there are certain ministerial activities you cannot do until you are ordained. Do not assume that you will be able to get ordained at the very next Presbytery meeting after you get licensed. There are only so many examination slots per quarter, and we handle them on a first-come, first-served basis. Please communicate with the Exam Committee Chairman to discuss these options before making this decision.
Before proceeding, be sure you have satisfied all prerequisites for Licensure or Ordination. The next thing you need to do is pick a Presbytery date (see Important Dates) that allows you to complete the below requirements within the noted due dates without putting undue pressure on yourself. Your desired date must be approved by the Exam Committee Chairman (see Officers and Committees). Once approved, you may proceed to the steps outlined below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates are responsible for the fulfillment of all requirements noted below. Failure to meet them by their due dates or a failure to sustain any portion of these examinations may result in a rotation to the next Presbytery testing cycle, or later. The Exam Committee Chairman will not micro-manage the process. You must be responsible, proactive, and organized.
Items marked with ** below are required only if you are pursuing Ordination. If you are pursuing Licensure, you may skip those marked items.
By the Step 1 Due Date for the Presbytery meeting approved (see Important Dates), the following items must be received by the Exam Committee Chairman by email as attached Word or PDF files only (see Officers and Committees for contact information). Please send your documents in on time/early to prevent any delay on your ordination cycle. Hiccups such as improper file formats (JPG, HEIC, Pages Docs etc) that require you to resend the documents on a date later than the Step 1 Due Date WILL result in the delay of your examination process to the next Presbytery exam cycle.
The following two research papers are only required for candidates pursuing ordination. You must follow the paper guidelines precisely, or they will be returned for correction (see Research Paper Guidelines). NOTE: If there is a repeated failure to abide by the guidelines (or if the content of the research paper continues to be inadequate after one or two rounds of feedback), then there is a risk that you will have to delay your examination process to the next (or an even later) Presbytery exam cycle.
** A. Exegetical Paper (Greek or Hebrew). This paper demonstrates your ability to handle the original languages.
** B. Theological Paper. This paper demonstrates your ability to synthesize biblical information and make a compelling biblical case for a specific theological topic or issue.
To keep the following documents distinct from each other among Exam Committee members and at Presbytery, format the top of each page with a one-line header that includes your name, document title, date, and page number (example: "John Smith, Views, 01/07/14, Page 1 of 3"). Improperly formatted documents will be returned for formatting.
C. Conversion, Christian Experience, and Calling Statement. Provide a written statement of your conversion, Christian experience, and calling (limit 500 words).
D. Views Paper. Provide a statement succinctly stating your beliefs in your own words, on the following topics (limit 250 words per topic).
The Inspiration of Scripture
The Trinity
The person and work of Christ
Christ’s death and resurrection
The doctrine of man
The final state of man
The second coming of Christ
The doctrine and mission of the church
Person and work of the Holy Spirit (including your views on which gifts of the Spirit continue)
The doctrine of the person and work of Satan
The five points of Calvinism
The days of creation
New Perspectives on Paul
The role of women in the Church
Human sexuality (including your views on transgenderism and same sex attraction)
E. Exceptions Statement. Provide a written statement of your exception(s) to the Westminster Standards (the Confession, Larger and Shorter Catechisms). For each exception, include the reference, specifically what it is you are taking exception to, a brief defense of your position and which of the three categories you believe it falls under (see Classifying Exceptions to the Westminster Standards).
F. Sermon Audio. Provide an MP3 format audio recording of a recent sermon you prepared and preached. The sermon must be expository in form and at least 20 minutes in length, and must include explanation, illustration, and application.
G. Sermon Transcript. Provide a written, word-for-word transcript of the recorded sermon you submit above.
** H. Candidates Committee Report. Provide a brief written statement from the Candidates Committee Chairman (see Officers and Committees) concerning the status of your internship. Consult BCO 19-7 through 19-16 and the Central Florida Presbytery Candidate for Ministry manual for a thorough discussion of internship requirements. Intern requirements must be satisfied before, or by the date of presbytery. If you are coming in from a different Presbytery, contact our Presbytery's Exam Committee Chairman for special instructions.
** I. College and Seminary Documents. Provide official documents identifying the college and seminary from which you graduated, dates of graduation, degree program(s), list of courses with final grades (seminary only), and final cumulative GPA. For college a picture or scan of your diploma is sufficient. For seminary you will typically need to contact the Registrar's office.
J. Ministry Call. Whether you are a licensure or ordination candidate, we require certification from your church about how they intend to utilize your service in the ministry of the Word.
For **Ordination Candidates: Provide a copy of your signed, prospective ministry call, issued by your prospective place of ministry, per BCO 20-1 and written in the general form of 20-6. Please scan and email it to the Exam Committee Chairman. If you do not have a formal ministry call from your Session, then licensure is a possibility, but you cannot pursue ordination.
For Licensure Candidates: Provide a written statement (or email) from your church's Session stating how they intend to utilize your service in the ministry of the Word. Here is a general template: "The Session of [church name] intends to have [name of candidate] preach for us [in Sunday morning services / in a local nursing home / etc.] an average of [x] number of times per year." This statement should include a description of any other pastoral responsibilities the licentiate will be expected to perform.
Upon satisfying these requirements, you will be directed by the Exam Committee Chairman to Step 2.
By the Step 2 Due Date (see Important Dates), complete the following.
A. Bible Exams, Part 1 & Part 2. These Bible exams are the first of several online exams (see Preparing for Online Exams). You have to pass both Bible parts before you can take the rest of the exams in Step 3 below. Bible Exam, Part 1 consists of 80 multiple-choice questions that are graded automatically at the end of your testing session. You will have two attempts to score an 80% or better on Part 1 before moving on to Part 2. Bible Exam, Part 2 consists of 100 short answer questions and will be submitted to the chairman for grading at the end of your testing session. Go to the Online Exam Portal and then follow the instructions to take the Bible Exams. (Note that access to take the Bible exams will only be granted after all the above Step 1 requirements are satisfied.)
B. Questionnaires
For the following items, you will need to download each of the Word files (links included below), fill them out, and email them back to the Exam Committee Chairman.
Experiential Religion Questionnaire. This questionnaire asks about your character and your relationships with God, people, family, and church. It also asks for references that we can contact. Click here to download the file.
Moral Questionnaire. This questionnaire asks about your moral purity and how you are exhibiting a lifestyle of repentance in certain key areas. Click here to download the file.
Upon satisfying these requirements, you will be directed by the Exam Committee Chairman to Step 3.
By the Step 3 Due Date (see Important Dates), complete the following.
A. Remaining Exams. You will need to take and pass all of the following online exams in order to proceed to Step 4 (see Preparing for Online Exams). Most of the questions in these exams are fill-in-the-blank or short essay. Go to the Online Exam Portal and then follow the instructions to take each exam. The order in which you take them does not matter, though we suggest starting with Theology. (Note that access to take these exams will only be granted after all the above Step 2 and 3 requirements are satisfied.)
Theology Exam
BCO Exam
** Sacraments Exam
** Church & PCA History Exam
B. Mock Oral Exam. You will be paired with one or more members of the committee for a mock oral exam. This will help you know if you are adequately prepared for the next step. No candidate for licensure or ordination will be allowed to come before the committee without first completing a mock exam.
Upon satisfying the above requirements, you will be directed by the Exam Committee Chairman to Step 4.
By the Step 4 Due Date (see Important Dates), complete the following.
A. Committee Examination. Confirm your oral exam date with the Exam Committee Chairman by email if you have not already done so. You will need to take and pass all of the following oral exams in order to proceed to appear before the floor of Presbytery (See Preparing for Committee Examination).
Bible (Old Testament and New Testament)
Book of Church Order
** Sacraments
** Church & PCA History
** B. Ordination Commission. Email the Exam Committee Chairman the names of the men who will be on your Ordination Commission (three Teaching Elders and three Ruling Elders) and the planned date for the installation ceremony.
Upon satisfying the above requirements, you will be directed by the Exam Committee Chairman to Step 5.
On the Presbytery date (see Important Dates), be prepared to engage in a short oral examination on the floor of Presbytery. Designated members of the Exam Committee will ask you representative questions from the above oral exam categories, and then the floor is opened for any Presbyter to ask you any questions they want. You will be asked to leave the room while the Presbytery votes to approve your ordination or licensure, then you will come back in for final wrap-up. You will know that same day whether you sustained all your exams.
Please have hard-copies of your signed Ministry Call paperwork and Ordination Commission names ready to give to the Clerk. He will have paperwork for you to complete and return at the following Presbytery meeting, after your ordination and installation service.
After Step 6, at a date and time determined by the church or organization issuing your call, you will be officially ordained and installed per BCO 21-5.